Outline Process Chart of RMG Industry

Process Flow Chart:
This chart is also called an outline process chart. An outline process chart is a process chart giving an overall picture by recording in sequence only the main operations and inspections. In this outline process chart, only the principal operations carried out and the inspections made to ensure their effectiveness are recorded, irrespective of who does them and where they are performed.

In preparing such a chart, only the symbols for “operation” and “inspection” are necessary. Furthermore, the information given by the symbols and their sequence, a brief note of the nature of each operation or inspection is made beside the symbol, and the time allowed for it is also noted. The entry of material or purchased parts is shown by the horizontal lines and the proceeding of material is shown vertically in terms of operations and inspections. Numbering should be done in a systematic fashion. A separate sequence of numbering is given for operation events and inspection events. The first number should be started with the top right corner event and moved down in the same vertical line until in meet with a horizontal line. Outline process chart of RMG industry is as follows:

Outline Process Chart of RMG Industry
Process Chart of RMG Industry

Outline Process Chart of RMG Industry









Author of this Article:
S. M. Hossen Uzzal
 Assistant Co-ordination Officer
 Modele De Capital Ind. Ltd 
 Email: uhossen@gmail.com

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