Everybody we know that the garments industry has four sections. They are the Sample section, Cutting section, Sewing section, and Finishing section. In this article, I will write on the flowchart of output section in garments industry.
But in garment production, there are also three sections. They are:
- Input section
- Making Section
- Output Section

Flow Chart of Output Section in Garments Industry
Collar preparation
Cuff preparation
Flap preparation
Label attach with back yoke
Box plate preparation
Button plate preparation
Back part pleat making
Yoke join
Pocket join
Flap join
Collar join
Sleeve preparation
Sleeve join
Care label attaching
Side seam join
Cuff join
Bottom hem making
Buttonhole making
Button attaching
Go to finishing
Author of this Article: Noor Ahmed Raaz Asst. Merchandiser A.M.C.S Textile Ltd Email: raju.uttara105@gmail.com