Silicon wash is an important and common wash in garment washing. Is also a popular washing process. Silicone wash can be applied on all types of fabrics such as Knit, Corduroy, Denim, Canvas, Twill, etc. This wash gives an elastic handle, the durable softness of garments. It helps to tear resistance, anti-pilling effects, and dimensional stability of the fabric. It also helps fabrics to be cut and sewn more easily. The process flow chart of silicon wash is given below.
For this washing, we can use softener and silicon together. To make the surface slippery silicone is used and a softener is used to make the cellulose soft. We can get both hands feels and soft feel at a time. The softener can be cationic and nonionic. Here a flow chart of softener silicon wash. In the case of silicon wash, we used softener and silicon together. Here, we used silicon for the surface slipper and softener for the softness of cellulose. As a result, we can get both hand feel and softness for the garment. The softener can be cationic and nonionic.
Problems of softener-silicon wash
Silicone softeners have a firm place in final finishing for a very important reason. A piece of fabric that has been subjected to pretreatment, dyeing, and fixing processes is almost impossible to be appealing to anyone without taking corrective measures to handle. As with all cationic softener systems, yellowing during drying may be a problem, and care must be taken to avoid unacceptable shade changes on white and pastel shades.
- Sometimes garments hand feel is less
- Sometimes color bleeding may occur.
- Color can also be changed
Solutions of softener silicon-wash: Before the washing has been completed, the hand feel needs to be checked. We should select the softener according to fabric nature.
Author of this Article: Rahat Khan Dept. of Apparel Manufacturing Atish Dipankar University of Science and Technology Cell: +8801717781833 Email: [email protected]