Working Flow Chart of Administration Department in Garments Industry

Administration Department:

The administrative offices associated with a garment manufacturing facility are typically proportional to the size of the manufacturing operation. Administrative staff manages corporate descriptions such as human resources, finance and accounting, billing, health and safety, and environmental compliance. They do order process, preparing invoices, conducting marketing and sales, managing human resources, etc. Working flow chart of the administration department in garments industry is as follows:

Flow Chart of Administration Department in Garments Industry

Flow Chart of Administration Department in Garments Industry







Planning: Planning is deciding in advance what to do? How to do it? When to do it? The planning function involves establishing goals & arranging them in a logical order.

Organizing: Organizing involves identifying responsibilities to be performed groping responsibilities into departments or divisions & specifying organizational relationships.

Staffing: Staffing means filling job positions with the rights of people at the right time. It involves determining staffing needs, screening people to fill the positions.

Directing: Directing is loading people in a manner that achieves the goals of the organization. Directing requires exceptional inter-personal skills the ability to motivate people.

Controlling: Controlling is a function that evaluates in all areas & detects potential or actual deviations from the organization plan. Controlling includes information management, measurement of performance institution of corrective actions.

Budgeting: Budgeting, exempted from the list above, incorporates most of the administrative functions, beginning with the implementation of a budget plan through the application of budget controls.

Responsibility’s of Administration Department

  • Division of Work: allows for job specialization.
  • Authority and Responsibility: Right to give orders.
  • Discipline: Common efforts of workers.
  • Unity of Command: Employees should have only one boss
  • Unity of Direction: A single plan of action to guide the organization
  • Centralization: Degree to which authority rests at the top of the organization.
  • Scalar Chain: Chain-like authority scale.
  • Subordination: Of individual interests to the general interests of the organization
  • Remuneration: An equitable, uniform payment system that motivates and contributes to the success
  • Order: Arrangement of employees where they will be of the most value to the organization.
  • Equity: Justice and fair dealing.
  • Stability: of tenure of personnel
  • Initiative
  • Esprit de corps: Harmony, a general good feeling among employees.
Author of this Article:
Noor Ahmed Raaz
B. Sc. in Apparel Manufacturing
Asst. Merchandiser 
Opex Sinha Group, Narayongonj 
 Email: [email protected]

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