Woolen Yarn
Wool fiber is a fiber from the fleece of domestic sheep. It is a natural protein multicellular staple fiber. There are two types of wool fiber. They are woolen and worsted yarn. Many people think that woollen is woolen, but woolen is the name given to a particular type of wool processing. It’s the simplest and shortest route. It’s the most tolerant of wool types, so you can put in both good quality wool and inferior quality wool and be confident you are going to make a decent yarn from it. Process Flow Chart of Woolen Yarn is as follows:
Process Flow Chart of Woolen Yarn
Raw wool
Winding and Clearing
Refolding and Rewinding
Wool fiber and hair fiber are the natural hair growth of certain animals. It’s composed of protein. Protein consists of complex organic compounds containing amino acids. The Wool Fiber is obtained from sheep. The breeding of sheep and the production of wool fiber are more costly processes than the cultivation of plant fibers. Consequently, wool fabrics are more expensive than cotton and linen. Hair fibers have all the qualities of wool and, in general, are more expensive than wool. Wool could be sourced from the fleece of sheep and other animals. These include cashmere from goats, mohair from rabbits, and other types of wool from camellias, musk ox, Angora rabbit, vicuna, guanaco, pashmina, and alpaca. Wool has some special qualities which distinguish it from hair or fur. The best quality wool comes from merino sheep, found in Australia.
Properties of wool
- Luxurious fiber with excellent feel and touch
- Soft and natural
- Wrinkle-resistant
- Lightweight and durable
- Hygroscopic (moisture breathable)
- Highly flexible and durable
- Good drape and fall
- Multi-climatic fiber
- High UV protection
- Biodegradable
- Insulating properties
- High ignition threshold
Author of this Aricle: Rana Sohel Executive Engineer Sunman Textile Mills Ltd. Chittagong Cell: +8801912-420118 Email: [email protected]