Textile Finishing:
The treatment applied to the textile goods after the dyeing and printing process is normally called the finishing process. Textile Finishing is called the beautification process of textile. It is a process used in manufacturing fiber, fabric, or clothing. In order to impart the required functional properties to the fiber or fabric, it is customary to subject the material to different types of physical and chemical treatments. Process flow chart of textile finishing is as follows:

The textile finishing flow chart is different for two types of fabric. One flow chart for open fabric and another for tube fabric.
Flow Chart of Textile Finishing(Open Fabric)
Final inspection
Flow Chart of Textile Finishing(Tube Fabric)
Final inspection
Types of Textile Finishing
1. Washing and Drying: Washing cleans the fabric and removes dirt that might remain following the manufacturing process. It can also involve other finishing processes like bleaching which removes color and whitens fabric and scouring which uses high temperature and detergents to remove dirt, grease, and wax from manufacturing.
2. Stabilizing: Fabrics also need to be stabilized. These processes are done after washing. They tend to reduce shrinkage, settle conditions, and readjust surfaces that might have become stretched during manufacturing. Fabric stabilizing includes processes like calendering, which compacts fabric fibers by pressing them between two large heated rollers. Several types of calendering using different rollers produce specific kinds of finishes.
3. Other Finishes: Another element of textile finishing involves applying chemical substances to fabrics in order to achieve certain results. These might make fabrics resistant to static or help them stay wrinkle-free. Substances can also be applied to make fabrics water repellent, flame retardant, or anti-bacterial. Today there are an endless variety of very specialized finishing processes to achieve desired functional results.
Author of this Article: Rana Sohel Executive Engineer Sunman Textile Mills Ltd. Chittagong Cell: +8801912-420118 Email: rsohel07tex@gmail.com