Flow Chart of Management Information System in Textile & Apparel Industry

Management Information System

‘MIS’ is a planned system of collecting, processing, storing, and disseminating data in the form of information needed to carry out the functions of management. In a way, it is a documented report of the activities that were planned and executed. According to Philip Kotler “A marketing information system consists of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision-makers.” That means Information systems include systems that are not intended for decision making. Flow Chart of Management Information System in the Textile & Apparel Industry is as follows:

Management Information System in Textile
Flow Chart of Management Information System in Textile & Apparel Industry:

General Manager (G. M)

Assistant General Manager (A. G. M)

Production Manager (P. M)

Assistant Production Manager (A. P. M)
Senior Production Officer (Sr. P.O)

Production Officer (P. O)




Differing information for different management levels

Efficient MIS enables management to plan coordinate, organize, and control. It provides information needed for strategic planning and for day to day operations. The various levels of management typically require the information they receive to be formatted in different ways. These different levels of management decision-making can be described as follows: strategic, tactical, and operational. So the information could be:

Operational information largely internal, mainly historical, detailed information on a daily or weekly basis, often quantitative, high precision, narrow in scope. Tactical information internal and external sources, with concern on the current and future performance, aggregated (summarised), information on products, sales, investment profits, etc. Strategic information largely external (information on economic conditions, technological developments, the actions of competitors), forward-looking, qualitative; information is important, precision is unimportant, wide-ranging, incomplete.

Decisions are impossible without information and managers are constantly seeking more and better information to support their decision making, hence the growth of IS. It is a term that today is often taken to mean networks of computers. But strictly speaking, should also include non-computerized channels of communication such as regular meetings or even phones.

Author of this Article:
Rahat Khan
 Dept. of Apparel Manufacturing
 Atish Dipankar University of Science and Technology
 Cell: +8801717781833 
 Email: rahat.info@gmail.com

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