Pre-treatment means any treatment, which is done before the actual process. Pretreatment processes include desizing, scouring, and bleaching which make subsequent dyeing and softening processes easy. A flowchart of the pretreatment process of wet processing is given here.
Flow Chart of Pretreatment Process of Wet Processing
Level in (P.T to M.T) 60°C
Wetting agent .7g/l
Peroxide stabilizer .5g/l
Anti creasing agent.75g/l
Fabric load(10΄)
Caustic dosing (65 C*̊10́)
↓ run 5́
H2O2 dosing 70ºC *10´
Temperature rise to 105 C̊
↓ run 105 C*30̊΄PH=10.5˜11
Cooling to 78 C̊
Overflow rinse 10΄ Drain
Level in(P.T to M.T)
Acid 50ºC ˜60 C*̊10́
Peroxide killing injection 80 C*10̊΄
↓ check the residual peroxide
Overflow rinse 5΄
Acid .7g/l to maintain PH 4.5 ̃5
Bio polishing agent 1.5g/l 55ºc*(45ʹ-60´)
Sequestering agent( A.T to M.T)
↓ hot at 90 ̊C*10ʹ
Overflow rinse 5΄
Acid .7g/l to maintain PH 4.5 ̃5
Bio polishing agent 1.5g/l 55ºc*(45ʹ-60´)
Sequestering agent( A.T to M.T)
↓ hot at 90 ̊C*10ʹ
Overflow rinse 10ʹ
The wet process is the main treatment for any type of garment washing. The wet process can be done by using different types of chemicals. The wet process section maintains a process flow chart, which facilitates the whole garments washing processes and make it easy to achieve the desired garments shade.
Author of this Article: Rana Sohel Executive Engineer Sunman Textile Mills Ltd. Chittagong Cell: +8801912-420118 Email: [email protected]